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Feb 17, 2025
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
IMPORTANT: Before processing a Loss & Damage claim, check to see that the original hearing aid invoice was paid.
• If the patient’s insurance didn’t pay for the original hearing aids, it’s likely that they won’t pay for the L+D replacement either.
• Here’s why this is important: L+D replacements are very costly, sometimes as much as a new hearing aid. In cases like this where the original HA invoice wasn’t paid, Sonus has now paid for TWO sets of hearing aids and is unlikely to collect on either set. This impacts cash flow, which impacts incentives and the health of the company.
• If you are processing a L+D claim and find the original invoice was not paid, please reach out to Jenn or Amber.
IVF is currently behind on past IVFs. We are working on a solution with RevNu Med, be on the lookout for an email from Jenn or Amber soon!
Jan 21, 2025
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
We update the Hearing Aid Services Encounter Form on Resources in November 2024. This update clarified repair pricing and added a CCS code. Be sure you’re using the most up-to-date version.
REMINDER: Serendipity Dress Code Policy: Serendipity dress code is business casual attire. This includes dress pants, dress shirts, ties, dress shoes, blazers/sport coats, cardigans, and lab coats for providers. Scrubs and black tennis shoes may also be worn. Jeans, T-shirts, hoodies, jackets or shirts with logos, sweatshirts, workout attire, Crocs, and sandals are not permitted. If you have questions about Serendipity’s Dress Code Policy, please reach out to HR.
REMINDER: Personal Phone Use: Personal phones should be on silent or vibrate mode and kept in a drawer out of site of patients and to avoid distractions. Hourly team members should take two ten-minute breaks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), and a 30-minute lunch break, which is the perfect opportunity to check personal phones. Also, team members should not use headphones while clocked in unless it is a headset for taking patient calls on the office phone. If you have questions about personal phone use, please contact HR.
REMINDER: Online Appointment Requests: It is VITAL that clinic team members contact patients with Online Appointment Requests timely—ideally within 24 hours of task creation—to schedule the appointment. We had over 800 Online Appointment Request tasks in 2024, and many of them were missed. Please prioritize these tasks daily.
Ally Finance is shifting to Care Credit Effective Monday, January 27th: Each clinic will receive login information soon, and we will create a training video and guide ASAP to walk team members through the process, stay tuned!
PROVIDERS: Please be sure to enter your TNS Outcomes for any HAC or HAE that does not purchase hearing aids: This helps Amber and Jenn measure outcomes from consultations, determine barriers to helping patients with better hearing, and watch trends throughout our 40 locations.
Here's the video from our Monthly Teams Meeting:
MONTHLY TEAMS MEETING January 20, 2025.mp4
Dec 17, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
REMINDER: Offices should be open on December 26th and 27th. If your clinic is closing, please email Jenn, Amber, and Kay to obtain a closure sign and work out phone forwarding plans.
REMINDER: Kay sent an email on November 25th and again on December 16th with reminders for IC shipments through the holidays. There are often shipping delays across the country during the holidays, so please be proactive and do everything in your control to make sure your patients get their much-needed hearing aids in time! If you need something for the very next business day, be sure to call IC at ext. 10019
Amber will be sending an email this week with changes to the Upgrade Program. Be on the lookout for those updates soon!
We’ve updated the Hearing Aid Encounter Form. Be sure to use the new one on Resources.
Nov 25, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
If you missed our Company-Wide Team Meeting with Clay on November 7th, watch it here:
Nov 18, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
2025 Open Enrollment begins TODAY thru Friday, November 22nd. We had an Open Enrollment call today to review the 2025 benefits offerings, and Mariam sent an email with the link to the recording if you missed it. You should have received a link to the Ease Benefits Platform to complete your enrollment. All team members must log in and choose/decline benefits for 2025 by Friday.
Q1 2025 Events are now scheduled! Amber sent emails on Friday with the January, February, and March event schedules. Please be sure to block your Capture schedules and begin scheduling for events!
Amber sent an email on November 14th outlining some recent efforts to increase cash collection entitled "Increased Cash Collection Efforts - Amanda & Anne". It's important that clinic teams work hard to reply to Anne and Amanda's efforts quickly and effectively so we can improve our cash collection rates. Also, as a reminder, one of the key reasons for unpaid claims is change in insurance--it is VITAL that we check eligibility on the date of service to make sure nothing has changed with the patient's insurance, then compare that the IVF to make sure everything matches. If you're unsure on this process, reach out to Jenn, Tabatha, or Kelly.
Amanda sent emails this morning with unordered items for hearing aid invoices. Please be sure to work these right away.
Sep 18, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
An Invoice from the Manufacturer is required when billing to MediCal (including managed care plans) and certain Commercial Insurances. Be sure to order the hearing aids on the same day you enter the order in Capture and submit the billing packet. When the HAs are not ordered timely, the billing team has to wait for the manufacturer invoice and revisit that billing packet at a later time. This increases their workload and makes it more likely for claims to be missed.
REMINDER: Records Requests: Be sure to routinely check and respond to all tasks assigned to your clinic team, including Records Request tasks. Keep in mind that some Records Requests come to admin and will be assigned to your clinic team in addition to the requests you receive and have to create a task for. Also, when creating a Records Request task, be sure to upload all documents. For more info, review the Records Request Guide, linked here: Records Request procedures 8.2021.pdf
REMINDER: Proper Ordering Methods for Non-Preferred Vendors: Amber sent an email on September 13th entitled “Fw: IMPORTANT – MediCal Allowed Products Update: with reminders and updates on how to properly reflect the MediCal ID number on a ReSound order, along with some reminders of how to properly order from non-preferred vendors. Here are the highlights:
• Please take the extra time to ensure you've put the patients MediCal ID on the order form (independent of ordering on a paper form or in ReSound Pro) to ensure we’re being charged properly.
• To indicate this is a MediCal order on the physical order form, you'll need to put the MediCal number and PO on the "PO" line under the "Bill To" section.
• To indicate this is a MediCal order on ReSound Pro, please select "Medi Cal" from the "Third Party Bill-to" drop down and enter the patient's MediCal number in the "Reference Text" section.
• Remember when ordering from Limited Use Vendors to put your 3-digit clinic code next to the PO (example: 123456COR).
Aug 19, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
REMINDER: Submit Records Request Tasks timely and with the necessary records. If you receive a medical records request, grievance, or subpoena, be sure to upload a Records Request Task and include the necessary records. If the request does not specify what records are needed, upload the chart notes, Capture patient notes, audiograms and purchase agreements. For more info on the Records Request process, see the guide on Resources: Records Request procedures 8.2021.pdf
REMINDER: IVF Submission Process. Jenn sent an email on August 14th with reminders about the IVF Process:
• IVFs should be requested upon scheduling. Do not put this off, submit the request the same day you schedule the appointment.
• Don’t forget to update the task Due Date/Appointment Date. This field defaults to the time and day you’re submitting the request, so if you forget to update it, the request looks like it’s due NOW.
• If there is no scheduled appointment, set the due date 3 business days out.
Also, if you’re waiting on a MCal IVF and are concerned you may not receive it in time, check the patient’s MediCal and Medicare eligibility and confirm that they are eligible to use their MCal benefit. If so, you can use the MCal Quote Sheet to guide the HAE. If you’re unsure how to read the MCare and MCal eligibility, reach out to Jenn, Tabatha, or Kelly Grigg. For more information on the IVF Request process, visit the guide on Resources: IVF Quick Guide November 2022.pdf
REMINDER: New Hearing Aid Billing Packet Task Subtypes. Jenn sent an email on August 1st with an update on two new Hearing Aid Billing Packet Task Subtypes:
• Please use the new subtypes moving forward:
• TASK TYPE: Billing Packet Ready SUBTYPE: Hearing Aids – Commercial for Commercial Hearing Aid Billing Packets
• TASK TYPE: Billing Packet Ready SUBTYPE: Hearing Aids – Medi-Cal for Medi-Cal Hearing Aid Billing Packets
• You should still use the “*No Max HA Benefit”, “Testing”, and “Work Comp / DOR” subtypes as you normally would.
REMINDER: Be sure you’re working on your Undelivered Sales reports from Amber and Brooke. Also, don’t forget to mark the HAs delivered in Capture upon delivery.
REMINDER: Submit an IC Communication Task to check the status of hearing aids in Inventory Control (IC). We want to reduce the amount of emails by using the tasks system as much as possible. If you need to check the status of HAs in IC and you’ve checked for a Missing Billing Document Task, IC Communication Task, and an IC Hold, submit an IC Communication Task instead of sending an email. If you’re unsure how to check inventory status, reach out to Jenn, Tabatha, or Kelly Grigg.
Be sure to submit all supplies needed on your monthly Office Supply Order. If you find that you often have to email to request additional items that were missed on your monthly supply order or have run out of ink/toner between supply orders, you may need a different system. Here are some tips:
• Create a list and post it in a common area like the lab for all team members to add supplies they need throughout the month.
• Use a whiteboard to keep a list of supplies needed in a common area like the lab.
• Use SharePoint to keep a monthly supply order form that team members can add to throughout the month.
Jul 15, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
REMINDER: Be sure to work your Undelivered Sales emails from Amber Linder. Amber sent an email on July 10th entitled "Undelivered Sale Over 90 Days" with the current Undelivered Sales numbers for 2023 & 2024. Be sure you work on these and respond to Amber letting her know it's done.
REMINDER: Be sure to work on the emails from Clay with unpaid claims. Clay has been working on a list of high dollar amount unpaid claims. Several clinics have received emails from him requesting that we either have the patient pay for the HAs or get the HAs back because the insurance did not pay the claim. Be sure to rectify these ASAP, as these are top-end HAs that have been purchased by Sonus but will not be paid for. They must be returned to the manufacturer or the patient will need to pay the remaining balance. Reach out to the Sales team if you need help with these!
REMINDER: Be sure to submit your ReSound CEU Form from the July 11th training if you attended.
Jun 26, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
Good afternoon clinic teams,
Those of you who were on the Web Meeting this past Monday the 17th are aware of a significant change we're making to the allowed MediCal products.
Standard RICs are now allowed to be ordered through Starkey for patients with MediCal. This is in response to Starkey's request to decrease our Custom MediCal orders as much as possible. Please shift patients to RICs and away from customs, whenever possible.
• Wax Filters - Need authorization for code V5267 if the patient is in warranty and codes V5014 & V5267 if the patient is out of warranty
• V5267 = hearing aid supplies/accessories
• V5014 = repair/modification of hearing aid
• mRICs will be considered an upgrade
• RIC molds will be considered covered under MediCal
• When entering these, you'll now discount the price down to $85 each just like we discount the HAs to $1,000 each
• Be sure to counsel the patient and maybe proactively have them sign an upgrade form in case Starkey cannot make a RIC mold and they need an AP mold. AP molds need to stay as an upgrade ($315 each mold as we bill the other $85 to MediCal).
• BiCROS - you can now do RICs for BiCROS patients
Receiver Replacements:
• In warranty replacements - change out in the office but be sure to order a replacement in-warranty from Starkey to replace your stock
• This applies to upgrades within the 3-year warranty period
• Out of Warranty replacements - Need to request an auth for V5014 and send the HA to the manufacturer for repair (this is required for billing purposes)
CUSTOMS - Full Shell ITE and ITCs will need to be ordered from ReSound. We need to do our best to minimize the number of custom hearing aids we order as they do cost the company more, but if you need to do a custom through MediCal, you'll order the ReSound Key 3 hearing aid.
I've attached the order form but I can also give you access to ReSound Pro which works like Starkey Pro. Please let me know if you'd like ReSound Pro access.
ReSound will be sending impression boxes & shipping labels to your offices. Additionally we'll get a stock of Wax Filters at HQ so order those from HQ or directly from Travis Begay (DO NOT order supplies on ReSound Pro). I'll also send an email with Travis (SD & OC Rep), Cole (Trainer), and Lauren (LA Rep) Cc'd so you know who to contact if you have any ReSound questions or need some product/software training.
To indicate this is a MediCal order on the physical order form (attached), you'll need to put the MediCal number and PO on the "PO" line under the "Bill To" section (see image below). Remember when ordering from Limited Use Vendors, to put your 3-digit clinic code next to the PO (the example below would be for the Corona office).
To indicate this is a MediCal order on ReSound Pro, please select "Medi Cal" from the "Third Party Bill-to" drop down and enter the patient's MediCal number in the "Reference Text" section (see second image below).
UPGRADES - If a patient is upgrading their HAs, you'll order those from Starkey on the non-MediCal account and follow the MediCal Upgrade Quote Sheet.
• IIC upgrades start at the "Mid" price point with the Gensis 16 product ($3,990 upgrade amount)
• CIC upgrades at the $790 price point are to the Evolv AI 1000 (not the Evolv AI 1200)
• ITE, HS, and ITC upgrades at the $790 price point are to the Picasso i1000 (3-year warranty) or the ReSound Key 4 (2-year warranty)
• ITE, HS, and ITC rechargeable upgrades at the $1,290 price point ($790 plus $500) are to the Evolv AI 1000 or the Evolv AI 1200
• RIC & mRIC upgrades at the $790 price point are to the Evolv AI 1200
• RIC R upgrades at the $790 price point are to the Evolv AI 1200 plus the $500 for rechargeable
• Genesis 12 RIC remains at the $1,590 upgrade amount with the rechargeable mRIC at $2,090 ($1,590 plus the $500 for rechargeable).
• BTE, BTE R, and Power Plus BTE upgrades at the $790 (plus $500 for rechargeable) are to the Evolv 1200
• CROS/BiCROS upgrades start at the "Low" price point with the Evolv AI 1600 product with an upgrade amount of $1,590 (normally the Evolv AI 1600 is priced at the "Mid" level) plus the additional $500 if rechargeable
• AP Molds - these remain an upgrade ($315 each mold)
• RIC Molds - we no longer need to collect the additional $40 per RIC mold if a patient has MediCal but, we need to order the RIC mold under the MediCal account number otherwise we'll be charged a much higher rate.
Jenn and I will work on updating the Upgrade Tool. An updated HAE Form and a 2024 Price List with the allowed MediCal products are attached and uploaded to the Intranet. On the HAE form, we decided to show only the ITE for the custom product but did add the RIC.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Amber Lindner, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA
Chief Operating Officer
May 21, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
VIRTUAL PCC TRAININGS OPEN TO ALL TEAM MEMBERS: The Training Team will be hosting monthly training for newly hired PCCs on the topics listed below. These trainings are open to all team members and can be helpful for seasoned PCCs needing a refresher on a topic or providers that would like to learn more! Reach out to Jennifer Gililland if you’d like to join an upcoming training:
• Customer Service
• Events
• Capture Tasks
• Inventory Control
• Insurance Basics
OTICON CEU OPPORTUNITY ON TUESDAY, JUNE 11TH: Jenn sent an email on May 2nd announcing an upcoming Oticon CEU opportunity for 2 dispensing and ASHA CEUs. This virtual training will be on Tuesday, June 11th from 12:30-2:30pm. Take a look at Jenn’s email for the registration link!
CEU REMINDER FOR PROVIDERS: Jenn sent an email on May 2nd entitled “CEU Reminder” reminding providers to ensure their licenses are kept active, that providers have a branch license for all offices they practice in, and that providers obtain the necessary amount of CEUs based on their license type every year in time for their license renewal. It’s up to the provider as a licensee with the state to ensure they comply with licensing requirements.
Apr 16, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
Updated REX Process: Kay sent an email on February 21st entitled "****IMPORTANT PLEASE READ – REX REVAMP****" outlining the new REX Process. Please be sure to read this email, the most important thing is we don't use the REX Form anymore 😊 Read the email for more details!
L&D REPLACEMENTS FOR TECHNOLOGY/STYLE UPGRADE PURCHASES: Kay sent another email entitled " L&D REPLACEMENTS FOR TECHNOLOGY/STYLE UPGRADE PURCHASES", which announced that patients who have selected a MediCal upgrade and are receiving an upgraded L+D replacement must sign a Tech/Style Upgrade Agreement indicating they understand they need to pay $250 (the "reasons" would be the same as the original Tech/Style Upgrade Agreement they signed). Kay also advised that L+D deductibles need to be collected at the time of order, as these are not returnable. The same applies for repair charges as well.
• Here’s a link to the Tech Style Upgrade Agreement tech-style upgrade agreement 2019.pdf & the L+D Form Loss and Damage (L&D) Form.pdf
Change Drawer Policy: Deposits must be made whenever more than $50 is collected from a patient or by Friday each week. Keeping cash in the clinic for more than 1-2 days increases the likelihood of losing it! Also, please lock your change drawer nightly and keep the key hidden away from the change drawer, preferably in a different room in your office.
New Battery Packs, Same Pricing: You will likely be receiving new battery packs that comes in packs of 6 battery cells and now require scissors to open them. A new law was passed in California requiring hearing aid batteries to be child-safe to prevent hospitalization and death due to battery ingestion among small children (research "Reese's Law" for more info). The packs now have 6 battery cells and are $8 per pack. You may still sell 5 packs for $30. We'll be updating the battery options in Capture to make it a little simpler and will send an email once we have.
Ages Seen in Clinics: Please use the Clinic Directory on the Intranet for the ages seen in clinics. We will use this as our primary source for ages seen in clinics.
HCFA Creation Reminders:
• Please ensure you are completing your HCFAs in Capture DAILY. Do not let this stack up over a few days or weeks!
• When entering patient insurance in Capture:
• Enter the Member ID. Entering “0” to get to the next field is not effective and means more work on the backend later (or a denied claim if it’s missed)!
• Refer to the IVF to see who is "at risk" for the CHT or Hearing Aids, then enter that insurance in Capture. This will be the insurance notated next to "For Testing Bill".
• Providers: please be sure you're selecting the correct insurance when entering the Insurance Estimate by checking who's "at risk" per the IVF. This will be the insurance notated next to "For Hearing Aids Bill".
Apr 02, 2024
In Chatroom
We had such a great time celebrating with you on March 29th! Here are some pics I snapped 🤩
Feb 28, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
Hello all!
As you know, we hosted a mandatory Clinic Team Webinar last Thursday reviewing a new billing procedure in Capture. I’ve linked the video below, which provides lots of information on why we’re implementing this process, a walk through the steps of the process, and where we’re headed as we work to simplify our billing processes in the clinic within 4-6 months. Ultimately, this will help us improve cash flow 😊
Here’s the link to the webinar; all clinic team members need to have either attended the webinar or watch this 47-minute video: CLINIC WEBINAR NEW BILLING FUNCTION IN CAPTURE.mp4
Here are the key takeaways from the webinar:
• This new billing process is now live! Start doing this today!
• The information listed below needs to be entered into Capture for every patient, paying close attention to accuracy for any patient we’re billing for:
• Patient address: always enter the patient’s address into their demographic tab, and be sure the address type is “Home”, not billing.
• Patient insurance: enter the patient insurance in the insurance tab based on who’s at risk per the IVF
• When entering the insurance estimate, be sure to select the correct insurance that will be billed for that invoice based on the IVF:
• For CHTs, reference the “For Testing Bill” line on the IVF
• For hearing aids, reference the “For Hearing Aids Bill” line on the IVF
• Referring physician: must be entered into the appointment that we’re billing from
• Should be entered in the appointment screen when making the appointment or completing the outcome
• Diagnosis code: enter in the appointment outcome screen
• PROVIDERS: Best practice is entering this for every appointment
• PROVIDERS: It needs to be entered in the appointment that we’re billing from
• Rendering provider: when entering the invoice, be sure the provider selected on the invoice is the Rendering provider (provider we’re billing under)
• Authorization number: enter in the Insurance Estimate when creating an invoice
• If no authorization is required (Commercial PPOs and Straight MediCare only), enter “N/A”
• Serial numbers: if you have the serial numbers, check in the hearing aids in the “Inventory” tab. If you do not have serial numbers, enter N/A
• Every day, navigate to the “Billing” tab to review all Insurance Estimates for the day and create the HCFA for each Insurance Estimate
• Adjust the begin & end dates to today’s date
• Click on any Insurance Estimates that have a blank status (do not say “Claim Created” or “Claim Exported”)
• If the required information listed above is missing, a window will appear where you can enter the info
• Once all of the information is entered, hit “Save & Close”
• Once all information is entered for the patient, a HCFA will be generated
• Be sure to check the HCFA for accuracy, paying close attention to the CPT codes. CPT codes will populate automatically from Capture, but may not match the authorization or IVF coding recommendation. If the CPT code is inaccurate, you’ll need to update it in the HCFA
• Once you’ve reviewed the HCFA and all information looks accurate, hit “Save & Close”
• If you refresh the screen, the Claim Status will now be “Claim Created”
• Do this daily for your clinic
• If everyone does their part, it should be pretty simple and quick!
• Clinic Managers, it’s up to you to ensure this is being done daily. Connect with your team to be sure everyone is clear on their responsibilities with this and assign who will manage the billing tab.
Lastly, you still need to submit a billing packet. We hope to eliminate the billing packet in the near future, but not yet 😉
Please let us know if you have any questions! I suggest watching the video if the information above is confusing, then call us once you’ve watched it 😊
Feb 19, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
When ordering earmolds for MediCal Upgrades, be sure to order under the MCal Starkey account. Jennifer sent an email on February 7th in reply to the email "2024 Price Changes" explaining the earmolds for MediCal upgrades should still be ordered on the MCal account number. Of course, be sure to order the HAs under the non-MCal Starkey account number.
REMINDER: Be sure to use SOAP Note format for outcome notes. This ensures that we're providing sufficient detail in a professional format. Keep in mind that notes are part of the patient's personal health information, and subject to subpoena or patient request to view or copy. A guide to SOAP Note format is available here,( on Resources.
REMINDER: We will be hosting a Mandatory Webinar for all Clinic Team Members on Thursday from 2-3pm to review a new billing function in Capture. All Clinic Team members are responsible to start implementing this new process, so be sure to join us on Thursday or watch the recording.
Feb 07, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
On Monday’s Teams Meeting, we discussed:
January 1st updates to the MediCal Upgrade Program & walked through training on MediCal Upgrades.
• For more information on the updates to the MediCal Upgrade Program, see Amber's email entitled "2024 Price Changes" from 12/19/23 and 1/2/24.
• Here's a link to the updated MediCal Upgrade Talk Track: Upgrade Talk Track FEB 2024.pdf(
• Here's a link to the MediCal Upgrade Training Video, which is a recording of this meeting: MONTHLY TEAMS MEETING Feb 2024 Mcal Upgrade Training.mp4(
Feb 07, 2024
In Conference Call Notes
Meeting was cancelled :) No notes this month!
Nov 21, 2023
In Conference Call Notes
Here's what we discussed on our Monthly Teams Meeting:
Open Enrollment closes Wednesday! Be sure to complete your benefits enrollment for the 2024 year!
Oct 25, 2023
In Chatroom
Hello all!
We will be hosting a Virtual Halloween Costume Contest on the Intranet Forum from October 25th-November 3rd!
We need your help by "liking" people’s photos!
Let the games begin :)
Oct 19, 2023
In Conference Call Notes
Here’s what we discussed today:
• REMINDER: We are hosting a mandatory training for Dispensing Providers and PCCs on November 17th at the Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry. We will be hosting a Happy Hour starting at 5pm with drinks and appetizers to have some time to enjoy each other’s company and wait out some traffic. If you plan to attend the Happy Hour, please email me (Jennifer Gililland) so I can add you to the RSVP 😊
• Open Enrollment is coming soon! Be on the lookout for a company-wide call with Mariam to go through this!
• REMINDER: Our last Inner Circle gathering is November 1st at BJs in Huntington Beach! Amber will send a reminder and request to RSVP this week.
• IC Communication Tasks: Kay sent an email on September 29th announcing a new Task Type called “IC Communication” Tasks. These tasks will be assigned to clinics when an inventory item is on hold for more than 5-7 days due to an issue with the Capture invoice or billing (no billing packet or outstanding Missing Billing Document). Clinic teams are asked to respond to the task by updating the status (either DONE, IN PROGRESS or WAITING FOR UPDATE), adding a detailed note, and reassigning the task to INVENTORY CONTROL – don’t forget to check the “Send email?” box.
• Clinic Teams can also create an IC Communication Task to request the status of a hearing aid or email once they’ve checked the Capture Inventory Tab and IC Communication Tasks.
• See Kay’s email entitled "IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - IC COMMUNICATION TASKS” for more info!
Oct 13, 2023
In Chatroom
Happiest of Birthdays to our very own Sally Walsh! It looks like the LA team is showing her lots of love today :)
Thanks for sharing this video, Sandra!
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